Everything about robots is hard. For example.

I have been doing experiments with Puck while it was sitting on the top of a desk. To help prevent it accidentally rolling about, I enabled the wheel locks for the two caster wheels in back. I was ready to try an experiment with an obstacle avoidance block of code I have been developing, so I put Puck on the floor in a hallway and brought up the software stack.
As is often the case, I also brought up a keyboard teleoperation node which allows me to drive the computer manually and remotely. I have a data visualizer on my desktop computer (rviz2) that lets me look at the LIDAR scans, the proximity sensors data, any of the camera videos, a mockup of the physical robot placed in the house, and so on, and the robot can be far away from me.
As I began to move the robot, it didn’t seem to be steering as I expected. It kept pulling to the right and I heard some unusual sounds coming from the hallway. But my mind was on the new feedback in the display which was showing me an idea of potential hazards along the way along with a recommendation of how to avoid the hazards. It was all fun until it wasn’t. Eventually there was a grinding sound coming from the hallway.
I went out to look and the picture shows what I saw. The right wheel and motor were twisted around and the wheel was grinding against the frame of the robot. I could barely imagine how this was even possible. My first thought was that there was a collision and the four bolts holding the motor to the frame had sheared off.
I put the robot back on the desktop and took off the top plate with the control panel and LIDAR, then the middle plate with the two computers and the camera array, and then I could look at the motor mounts. What had actually happened is that three of the four screws holding the motor had come out of the holes. How is that possible, you may ask?
The screws are 6-32 screws and after the initial robot construction I added a spacer between the motor and the chassis as the rear of the motor body is slightly wider that the front of the motor body and the right angle gear box. The screws fit into that gearbox. The spacers give room for the motor to lie completely parallel with the plane of the frame. When I added those spacers (just washers), it made is so the screws no longer reached completely through the gearbox housing. In fact, and I didn’t measure this when I did it, the screws barely screwed into the motor housing at all. And the torque from one locked caster wheel on the wheel-coupler-gearbox assembly was enough to really twist the motor so that three of those screws popped out.
The fix was easy enough—I replaced the screws with longer screws. But I still don’t have, for example, a sensor to detect if the caster wheels are locked or not before driving. That is still an open problem for human error for the robot. I could remove the wheel locks, but without a specialized frame to hold the robot off the floor when I run experiments where I want to motors to turn but the robot to not actually go anywhere, without that frame the wheel locks are my safety feature to prevent the robot from rolling off the desk.
Eventually, everything goes wrong.